Litigation 3

Copies of all the Legal Notices served on us

Section 54(5) Planning (LBCA) Act 1990

Dated 13th November 1995

Emergency Measures Section 78(2)

Building Act 1984

Dated 21st May 1996

Section 54(5) Planning (LBCA) Act 1990

Dated 22nd May 1996

Section 54(5) Planning (LBCA) Act 1990

Dated 12th June 1997

Building Act 1984 Section 78(2)

With No Schedule of Works attached

Section 54(5) Planning Act 1990 With no Plan attached, Demolishing a 4 storeys Corner of a Listed Building without listed building consent & Work to be carried out in the wrong corner!

Section 54(5) Planning Act 1990 Telling us to do work which is currently on site.


The most talked about listed building in the UK